Saturday 26 September 2020



You were conned to do things
    you don't want to do.
But your conscience says, no.
And I'd say, yeah, good for you!
    Smart people like you,
      won't take orders
 from people that use you.

Tuesday 20 March 2018



The peacekeepers in Iraq
Who are they? They are the soldiers of the new era.
They're not soldiers of fortune.
They're not mercenaries in demand.
Maintaining peace and order are their mission,
For the love of mankind.
Probably, they'll be there for a much longer time.
Problems still exist in this country.
A country that is in turmoil.
Everyday, peacekeepers are dying wastefully
They lost their lives for nothing.
For me, it's mind-bugling.
Suicide bombers are killing their own
People who side with the coalition.
Soldiers are being taunted to fight,
To fight for our country against terrorism.
But web of lies continue to brainwash them.



I'm obsessed with my emotional feelings
A compulsion to do unnecessary things
Which is unimportant in our day to day living
But these are not overpowering my daily life
It gives me pleasure to do it right
I want everything to be immaculate
I don't believe in what people say
Leave some particles of dust
Because we come from dust
Leave the dry leaves where they are
It's good for the grass
No matter what they say
I have this compulsion
And I'd say, it's human nature
And that's my obsession.

Tuesday 22 August 2017

I Am What I Am For Who I Am

I Am What I Am For Who I Am

I am what I am for who I am
I cannot change what I cannot
God created and loved me for who I am.
I will not be convinced no matter what.
But I am not blatant.
I will carry the torch of peace,
And light up the fire of love in your heart.
Water the garden deep within you
And watch it grow.
For who I am, I intend to remain my own self.
I feel good about life knowing who I am.
This may sounds odd to you,
But this is me the author.
I am what I am.

Tuesday 11 July 2017

Harvest Season

Harvest Season

Harvest season is here.
And the sun is shining brightly
in conjunction with the events of the day
Everyone is jubilant and cheerful,
for their hard work in the field has been rewarded in full.
The cornfields turn gold,
and leaves roughed-dry to the touch.
The overseer is ready to give signal
that harvest time soon to begin.
Men and women dressed in cotton
long sleeve shirts and long pants.
In their hands are sickle-like tools
for cutting the stalks and ears of corns.
While their children are playing gleefully
under the big Banyan tree.
An eight year old boy was playing harmonica.
Another boy who's ten was playing a game of sepa.
Harvest season is the most awaited event,
For the peasants who toil in the field full time.

Friday 30 June 2017

Sunday Matinee

Sunday Matinee

My friend and I went to see a movie
But the long double line discouraged me
I wasn't enthused about seeing the movie
'cause I and my friend have a bad day
Although this movie is excellent
Today also, is matinee and a day of bargains
He bought a bag of popcorns and two pepsi
to munch while watching the movie.
At the end of the show
we quickly head to exit door
to beat the crowd on our favor
Inside the car we kissed and made up
Thanks for the opportunity,
You blessed Sunday matinee.

Tuesday 27 June 2017

The House Up On The Hill

The House Up On The Hill

The house up on the hill
Old but very tranquil
Grandma used to tell us,
She played with one of the Castilian girls living up there
""But it was like yesterday"", grandma said.
She was going to a private school,
And grandma went to a public school.
The house was built over a century
Closed to my grandma's age at ninety eight.
My grandma was well-liked by the Castilians,
as a little girl.
I'm not surprise grandma spoke Castilian.
She was liked one of their own.
They were very pleasant and well-met people.
Grandma was always invited to picnics and children's parties.
Grandma's life as a child was filled with great memories,
I'm glad grandma had that childhood experience.
With the family living in the house up on the hill.

Friday 23 June 2017

Friends are More Precious than Diamonds

Friends are More Precious than

Friends are more precious than diamonds.
Life without friends can't seldom go on.
Diamonds are meant for security.
Diamond, a woman's best friend, they say,
But it's a different kind of friend you bid.
Diamonds can't help you in your spiritual need.
Diamonds can't help you in time of grief and sorrow;
You can't talk to it, when you needed to;
There's no shoulder to cry on,
Just to look on the sparkling precious stone.
You'd think diamond is forever your friend;
You'd think your sorrow and sadness will mend;
But friends bring happiness to your life;
Friends are important in our daily plight;
We can live without that precious stone,
But we can't live without friends to condone.