Wednesday 21 June 2017

Grandpa's Chair

Grandpa's Chair

Grandpa's favourite rocking chair
Made of Chinese raw bamboo material.
My good old uncle made it so special
He painted it with yellow-green
Just like the fresh bamboo grove in our backyard fence.
Grandpa was overwhelmed with joy.
On it, he carved his name
Giving us a hint
That no one could sit on it, but him.
Grandpa used his chair as often as he could
He sometimes fell asleep
With me sitting on his lap
While he slowly rocked.
Now that Grandpa is gone
His rocking chair rock no more
As no one dares to explore.
But one night, the chair was rocking to and fro.
What made it rock? That I don't know.
Maybe it's the wind that did it.
Well, maybe Grandpa is paying us a visit.