Thursday 24 October 2013

My Cat

My Cat

As I run my fingers through the keyboards
Just come to mind to play "Memory"
from the musical play, "Cats" with my cat beside me.
Just as I started to play the melody
My cat climb on the keyboards,
and started to meow, good lord!
To the beat of the music, he was singing.
I could not believe what I'm hearing.
My cat is having good time with its master
I had a good laugh and felt better.
Earlier I was upset because he scratched my carpet.
It really made me so upset
To see the loose fibers
that look like a shaggy dog's hair.
But I loved cat my beloved pet.

Monday Morning

Monday Morning

It's Monday morning
The phone is ringing
The baby is crying
The dog is barking
The stove is on
The boiling water overflowing
The buzzing signal in laundry room is on
While trying to calm down her baby son,
she runs into the other room to get the phone.
Then came the two kids ready for school
asking their mom for their provisions.
She hangs up the phone
She's getting her sons ready for school soon.
Then she feeds her baby
Then she feeds the dogie
And she let go a big sigh.
While looking up in the sky,
She utters the words of thanks,
Lord, thank you for making my day.

Loving You

Loving You

Loving you is my heart's delight
And my love for you is deep as the sea
No one can vouch that but the Lord Almighty.
My love for you is unconditional in so many ways
Heaven knows life's obstacle tend to be on your way
But my heart tells me you are the one and my destiny.
Loving you is a true God's miracle
Deep in my heart, I build us a temple
For you and me to worship the love we nurture.
Loving you is a wondrous feeling of contentment
It's a sure feeling that you and I are sharing
What God has bestowed in us is blissful and loving.

Love How Deep Thy Meaning

Love How Deep Thy Meaning

Love how deep thy meaning
Sweet words of love pierce deep within
Yonder I hear your chanting
Your voice so enchanting.
Caressing the wholesomeness of my soul
And my innermost feeling so enthralled
You've built a temple in my heart
That no one would ever dare to snatch.
I will always shower it with words of love
Like no one else could have ever done such job
Wanting your embrace is such a race
Pain and agony so antagonizing.
But letting it go
Is the only way to over-throw.
Love how deep you are to be conquered.
Neither my feelings couldn't be sequestered.



What does love do to you?
Love makes your heart go 'round and 'round
Like a merry-go-round
Love makes your heart jump
and beat like a drum
It perks up your mind
Love makes you feel like dancing.
It makes you forget on everything,
Because you feel like you're in seventh heaven.
All you dream is Adonis,
The love of your life you embraced.

Little Girl Standing at Roadside

Little Girl Standing at Roadside

She was perfectly molded
in the image of Madonna
Her smile was so captivating
perfect and no guile.
She's like a gift from heaven
like a deity sent cherubim
to spread joy in this chaotic world.
An element of outside world
To bend the ears of inhabitants
that life's journey soon be curtailed.
Pains and sufferings will be demolished
in a sense that we all be subjected.
The little girl standing on the roadside
is merely a dream come true,
An angel who will guide us through.

Life in a Fire Lane

Life in a Fire Lane

Whatever happened to our lives?
It seemed that our relationship won't survive.
I tried to patch up things for both our sake
To mend our relationship back in good shape.
I find you as the culprit of our ongoing situation.
Despite of all, our relationship still high priority
To avoid the consequence, I let bygones be bygones.
Hoping our lives will return where it's used to be.
Your insensitiveness is intolerable.
As you aged you're unpredictable.
Your life has to get back in good order,
Otherwise I won't tolerate you any farther.
My life would be better, if we stay away from each other.

Life of a Dog

Life of a Dog

Bow wow wow, I need some love
Love, I don't have to beg
Because, I'm not contradictory
I want only an affection
I love your hands all over me
I love to sleep in your bed to be near you
Oh, master won't you let me sleep with you?
Your sweetie is an animal fanatic
She won't get frantic
She doesn't mind my hair in your bed
She'll give my hair a brush
She'll give me a bubble bath
And she knew I'm a spoiled brat
And you know I love to ride in your Corvette
My favorite is in front seat
She doesn't mind sitting in back seat,
Doesn't she?
Well, I'll sit in back temporarily
Until you kick her out permanently.



Life is an adventure
Otherwise it's agonizing
So don't take it so seriously
Enjoy what it has to offer
Life itself will take care of everything.

Kudos to my Father

Kudos to my Father

My Father, for me, he's everything.
He was the greatest of all human being.
When we were little, he taught us to read and write
He even taught us how to fly a kite.
Mind you my father had a very good sense of humor
In which, everyone is in favor.
He was such a warmhearted person
A successful plumber by profession.
I was really proud of his endeavour
As a father and great provider.
Above all, a great husband to our beloved Mother.



Fortunate I am for the knowledge I acquired.
My parents, with their strong conviction about education,
Are to be applauded and admired.
I'm fortunate for having the ability to think twice,
And not rush to any life's decision, as improvised.
Knowledge is a learning opportunity to stretch our mind.
To be able to know what is right and wrong.
And when life turns upside down
You can still whistle a song.
Knowledge can't be taken away from you,
It's always there and it's yours,
Even when the mind deteriorates,
When the brain can't handle no more.
Knowledge is nowhere to take place.
It is most powerful weapon of our time.

Wednesday 23 October 2013



What brought you and me this side of the world.
"It's kismet for sure" you said.
In my life you came sooner than I thought.
One day, a cellphone you dropped
On my foot it fell, and ""ouch.""
Quick as a lightning, you rubbed my foot
The pain disappeared when our eyes met.
I was tongue-tied, and I freezed.
My heart was beating faster,
As if I'm in a roller coaster.
Good Lord, we have a kismet!
Is this the way we meet?
Are you from other side of the world?
I'm sure I'm in my own world.
Kismet, what a powerful word!

It's Time

It's Time

It's time to have fun under the sun.
It's time to feel the sunshine in your skin.
It's time to smell the ocean.
It's time to smell the flowers in your surrounding.
It's time to listen to the birds chirping,
From trees and cherry blossoms.
Enjoy the beautiful things that mother-nature provides.
Time to take a break from everything.
Time to have get together with friends and good camaraderie.
Don't let time run off
Seize it as much as you can
Because you only live once.



Some friends send forwarded e-mails just to get in touch.
Some are just plain lazy to compose a short message
They are so reluctant to say something nice
on a personal message.
Forwarded e-mail need not be composed
or rewritten
Just click send and that's it, off it goes.
Some, they just want to see the result of
what they sent.
They expect us to send them back something,
Something personal that makes them thrilled.
I don't mind sharing them something from the internet.
I send back some funny stuffs to make them laugh,
And sometimes I send personal message to note
As a friend, I call them by telephone
And invite them for internet chatting.



The world is full of imperfect people.
We tend to make mistakes whatever we do
But that's because you and I are human beings.
I see you and I share imperfect lives.
Only our Almighty Creator,
From above is perfect.
I can only see myself as a perfectionist
when it comes to cleanliness.
Which is next to Godliness.
Imperfection is a big part of my life.
Why? Because I'm only human being.
As human being, the flaw is in every part of me.

If I Only Knew

If I Only Knew

If I only knew you're not here to stay
And not leaving me in fantasy
I would have kissed you more
And hold you closed to my heart.
If I only knew how much you cared and how
deep the love you felt for me,
I would have told you countless times that
I love you each day and every day.
If I only knew you have few more days,
that your days were numbered due to a terminal illness,
I could have spent more time with you,
And comfort you by your side,
Talk with you and read your favorite poems 'till you fall asleep.
If I only knew
My regrets... I did not see your sides,
How blind could I be?
How could I forgive myself?

I Will Remember You

I Will Remember You

I will remember you each and everyday
No matter where I am, you'll always be in my mind
I will follow your scents even in my dreams
I will honor you as I worshipped every footsteps you left behind
As time goes on, I will be thinking of you
In dreams and reality.
My life's happiness can be fulfilling
By reminiscing the happiest times we shared.
I will capture the moments of our love desired -
Even the infinitisimal happenings in our lives.
I will remember you while I can still do so,
Until my heart stops yearning for you.

I Want to Hold and Kiss You

I Want to Hold and Kiss You

I want to hold and kiss you and tell you how much I loved you.
When you touch me, it's like I'm in seventh heaven.
When our eyes meet, I see stars in your eyes glowing.
I feel your breath against my face and ear
Whispering sweet love like a loved sick man.
I worship you like a sun god of the universe
Who comes out of the clouds through a cascading rays of sun.
I will never let you out of my sight
Afraid I may never see you again.
The sound of your octave voice
Is invigorating to my whole being.
Your voice is tantalizing.
Come hold me tight, and don't ever let me go.
I want to hold and kiss you, and tell you how much I loved you.
I want to hold and kiss you every moment of my life.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

For Your Eyes Only

For Your Eyes Only

To Jos and her 35 ft. statue of Virgin Mary at her uphill estate.
On the mountains and valleys,
Here, nature wonder lies with grace,
Overlooking the vast pacific ocean.
It's magnificent God's creation,
Where serenity and divinity reign.
It's one of wonders of the globe,
A Shangrila, in a modern world.
Love, peace and happiness you surely will find
Among the flowers and foliage so devine.
Ah, heaven, so near yet so far away,
But I hear the angels sing solemnly,
And the blue sky beaming gracefully.
And there Mother Mary standing tall and stately,
With eyes staring at me. My soul touched and eyes misty.
How magnificent she is,isn't She?

Emergency Room

Emergency Room

Nurses and doctors running around
With stethoscopes dangling from their necks
Chaos in ER is like a merry go round
A female patient came in ambulance
With her families around her side
Sobbing, wondering if she's gone
Paramedics rushed her to the waiting doctors
Death was knocking at her door
But the doctors prevent its entry for sure
The poor girl was in head-on collision
Her car was in total demolition
Thank God, good Samaritans called nine one one (911)
ER is not really a pleasant place to be.
Screaming and crying are all you hear
Doctors and nurses have to bear.



In few days it will be December
Soon winter will be here
The wind is howling
Autumn leaves are falling
from maple and birch trees
It's great to watch the natures beauties
Red and yellow leaves falling in my front porch
It's a picturesque scene
Some trees now are almost naked
With the absence of colorful leaves
They look ugly and vague
They'll soon be dormant,
And in spring, they all come back again
To show their beauties from out and within.

Change of Life

Change of Life

When life goes through a methodical process of change,
Life is worth living.
Boredom is forgotten.
Faith is in.
To the extent that we go through metamorphosis,
Although bed of roses was never promised,
Life has been so unusually good in so many ways.
As we go through life's ups and downs,
The starlight of life will continue to shine upon.



In life we have to take chances.
Afraid not to take risk.
It's the only way to know what life is all about.
It's a learning experience.
It's like gambling
in a risky situation
It's like putting yourself
in a flimsy position,
But we must take these chances,
To be able to know what life is.
Taking chances is a chance of a lifetime.
Chances are, that you'll be a success.
Perchance, when time comes,
You'll be glad you took the chance.



With eyes blankly staring at the ceiling,
Blinking sometimes twitching.
Tossing and turning the whole night through
I feel like running with my dog in tow,
Probably I get pooped and sleepiness will creep into my brain.
Why I have sleep deprivation that I cannot attain?
Two cups of black coffee I took at noon.
I really could not resist the joy of temptation.
It really kept me awake the whole night through.
I've learned a lesson the hard way, too.
Caffeine is the culprit of my sorrow.
Caffeine is the culprit of everything I do.

Broken Doll

Broken Doll

Cute and be-dimpled doll
On the street, she was left to run over by cars
I scooped her up with my carefree hands
And wrapped her in my woolen scarf.
Her left arm missing from its socket
Her right leg partly cracked
Her three little fingers dangling from her hand
And her dress tattered and soiled.
Her solid smile so intact
The intense pain she did not feel
She looked like a living doll!
I cradled her in my arms like a baby I've never had.
The heartless creature is nowhere to be found!
Damn you, if I ever find you
I'll break your arm like you did to the poor little doll!

Blue Jeans

Blue Jeans

Faded Glory,
Old, tattered and dirty,
Hardly been to the laundry.
Young people or macho men
Sporting around with this thing,
Called Blue Jeans by its name.
You wear it next to your skin.
Your skin turns blue,
When it starts to bleed through.



A story I must tell you
I was very young then vibrant and energetic.
I waited in a restaurant, years ago,
One day, a white man came along,
Said, he is so starved
Said, he could eat a horse.
I said, sorry sir that's not allowed here.
The white man did not say anything.
A big smile plastered in his face.
Innocently, I told him to ask next door,
The white man never left the eatery
Smilingly, he walk toward me,
Explained to me in simple way,
Saying, it was just an expression,
When a person is very hungry.
Roars of laughter echo throughout the eatery.

American Beauty (Hybrid)

American Beauty (Hybrid)

I pick some rose flowers in our garden
To place in our mantle every now and then
Sometimes, I share them to a sightless woman neighbor
She said, red is her favorite color
My eye caught on one purplish-red rose
Big, silky and velvety
Its name, American Beauty.
I give them rose food every other week
They, too, are like pets
I shower them with tender loving care
So they continue to bear more flowers
American Beauty is great to share,
With people you really care.
You are truly a Godsent.



When your love one strays
Do not put him into defensive position.
Treat him with love and affection
Wrap him in your warm arms tenderly
And whisper sweet love ecstatically
Paint the twinkling stars and bells to ring deep within
As you experience the wonderful feeling
Your heart beats in rhythm
And love starts all over again
Exploding like fireworks way up to heaven.

A Poem to Ponder

A Poem to Ponder

Poems are mostly composed with inspiration.
It could be sad, happy or pleasant situation
It could be about your childhood life
It could be your present life
It could be everything you could imagine.
When I compose a poem without inspiration,
I just think of something original.
To the point that I have to think of fictional
I sometimes doodle and stare at my screen.
I get hypnotized and fall into slumber,
And journey into dreamland scene
Into a place where my subconscious mind wander.
This gives me another inspiration to use my pen
About my dream in a mysterious place.
I never told anybody about my dream
Until they read my poem.

A Message from the Heart

A Message from the Heart

My heart throbs like giving me message;
Take care of Me (heart),
and I'll take care of you.
Do not abuse me or I'll have to avenge me
At supper, you can drink house wine,
Maybe a glass of red is fine
No less no more
Please do give me a favor
I would make your life comfortable,
If you promise to keep me (your heart) away from trouble.

9/11 Second Anniversary

9/11 Second Anniversary

In memory of those who perished and their families
As we are about to commemorate the second
anniversary of 9/11,
We reflect on that fateful morning
When the two magnificent towers horrifically collapsed
Right infront of our very eyes
Over three thousand souls helplessly awaited their fate
Some could not wait
They leaped to their death
While reminiscing that fateful day
The chaos around the city
And the grim reminder of once
Where the Twin Towers stood majestically
Now it's ground zero.
Still I'm in disbelief, it happened in our country
America, the superpower, but vulnerable in some degree
May the souls of those who perished
Will eternally rest in peace.

Falling in Love

Falling in Love

Falling in love is not easy to define
We can't just fall in love for good looks
We have to have meeting of the minds
There must have Kamasutra
And of course a Karma.
Determining how we are destined to be
It has to have signs in body language
You have restless nights, you see
Thinking of him every moment of day
He makes your heart rumble like thunder.
The phone rings you hear
You think it might be him
Calling him for no reason
Just to say, hi.
Hearing his voice is like you're in heaven
You fall for him 'cause he's caring and gentle
You fall for him 'cause he's incredibly lovable.

English Tea

English Tea

I can smell the aroma of English tea at the Cafe Lottey
when I walked by on my way to the grocery.
Oh, yeah, English tea with orange spice and cinnamon flavor
are excellent tea, by the way.
I always have my favorite tea in the morn and mid day.
With three drops of lemon juice
and a pinch of sweet and low or perhaps two drops of honey
is perfect for my choosy taste bud.
I start my day with a cup of English tea
first thing on a crisp morning.
I prefer to have it under our backyard tree
and watch the teacups open on a bright sunny day.
Ah, the English tea very delightful to me!
It's very refeshing caffein free.
When I drink, I savor it
to get the taste of it.



Your dream is far from reality.
It's in your subconscious mind.
That is when you're sleeping, and you dream.
But you wish your dreams to come to reality
It is everyone's wish.
In your own world of make believe
You want to see the outside world
You longed to see.
Time may help heal our obsessions.
But, you are in the real world
A world full of adventures and love.
In real world your dreams could come true.
Life is full of dreams.
To fullfill your dreams
Is to make it happened,
In this great planet we live in.

Death gives you no Choice

Death gives you no Choice

You cling to life
as you watch the candle.
burning to its end.
It's time to say goodbye.
Whether you like it or not.
You have no choice.
While there's time to make peace,
Get a hold of your Dear Ones
to spend more times together.
Death comes to you any time
it wants to take you.
As you become fallible.
While life is still in you,
makes sure you're all prepared
to face the Lord Almighty.
Death gives you no choice.
This is His choice
that you have to go.