Thursday 11 September 2014

Commuter's Pledge

Commuter's Pledge

Driving back and forth to where I work
Is a hassle for me and those who co-work.
I pledge I would not drive in such a busy freeway
Probably, I'll quit driving, by the way.
From Santa Maria to LA 101 is such a dangerous freeway.
Lucky for me, if I ride with someone else or carpool my way,
I'll be free and more happy and enjoy the ride everyday.
I'll just chip in for gas or some money.
And I will be on my way
To the busy freeway in LA.

Come Fly With Me

Come Fly With Me

To my Best Friend
Free as a bird soaring up the sky
Free, but I can't fly like birds do
I would only dream of flying
'cause I don't have wings to flap
Come fly with me in my dreams
And explore the world in the realm of wonder
With the two of us, we'll be happier.
We'll search for our destiny together
At the end of the rainbow spill
Come fly with me in my dreams,
My only wish is to be with you forever
And let no one put us asunder.

Coco Palm Tree

Coco Palm Tree

I planted a coco palm tree
Under our porch near our alley.
The sunlight peers through the lattice screen
My coco palm tree still gets its vitamins
I nurtured it with so much love.
Like a mother caring for her child.
When it's about five feet tall and slim
I replanted it in a special place in our garden
Lilies and daisies I planted on the perimeter
It's beautiful to look at the colorful flowers
Now the palm tree is about seven feet tall
How I wish I could be that tall
So I could reach the fruits without climbing the fence
My coco palm trees start bearing fruits for nourishments
The young coco so sweet and refreshing
Like the nectar of the gods in spring.

Class Reunion

Class Reunion

In loving memory of my Aunt
Old friends and acquaintances from far away places;
Intermingling and seeing for the first time.
It's been two decades long, she surmise.
Hugging, exchanging how are yous, and ahhhs and ohhhs!
Dancing in the midst of waltz;
Converting it into rhumba and samba is the option.
Fats and slims are doing hulabalu.
Grabbing a partner was not in the atmosphere,
But exchanging partners made it lively and jolly
Everyone struts their stuffs till they crack
The night was so full of fun and excitements
Like youngsters enjoying luau beach parties.
It will be their greatest fun memories ever.

Autumn in Northern California

Autumn in Northern California

Beautiful wild flowers & poppies grow
in the vast fields and valleys
So captivating so alluring
One must see the beauty of autumn in Northern California
Autumn in Northern California so beautiful
It's breathtaking to see the birch and maple trees
Lined in main thoroughfare and everywhere
Leaves turning red, gold and yellow
Falling from trees.
One breezey morning
I witness Mother nature's beauty
I run around the trees and street
And let the colorful leaves fall on my hair
I was jubilant and thanking the Lord Almighty
Grass carpeted with colorful leaves
It makes me think of Vermont
What lovely scenes to feast your eyes on.
Come and see the autumn in northern california.