Thursday 17 September 2015

Sometimes I Wonder

Sometimes I Wonder

Sometimes I wonder why some people are full of empty promises. They could never keep it. Sometimes I wonder why they ever exist, Not as human being. I don't begrudge them. But they're just people, and they are human being. They can't cope with life. Sometimes I wonder why?

Tuesday 15 September 2015

I Cry and Laugh

I Cry and Laugh

Why must I cry? I cry because it hurts. I cry because I feel the pain. I cry because I lost someone I dearly loved. I cry because I see pain on the face of the earth, the atrocities,terrorism, catastrophe, etc. Why must I laugh? I laugh because I am happy. Happy because I achieved something I wanted to do in life. I laugh because you are funny. I laugh because you make me laugh at your funny jokes. I laugh because laughter is the best medicine. And sometimes I laugh when I am fidgety. I laugh because I am what I am.

Monday 14 September 2015

Flipping a coin

Flipping a Coining

The coin that you flipped
twirls and twirls like the globe,
Twirling and spinning like our lives,
That we lost our sense of directions.
with tail up,
And when the spinning stops
Lives turn upside down.
Because you lost your bid.
Everything is dead.
There's nothing to be safe

Saturday 12 September 2015

GOD's Plan

GOD's Plan 

It was God's plan.

Grace from heaven came tumbling down
I tried to catch them with bare hands
                            But the grace from heaven eluded me.
I ask myself, is this meant to be?
                               It fell into the stranger's hands.

                            I cried no tears as it is God's plan
You can't have everything you want.
                           I bow my head with full acceptance.
                      Moral lesson to everyone, Let go off sometime
must be done.
Because what has been written

Friday 11 September 2015

Memories of World Trade Center

Memories of World Trade Center

The lit candle is flickering
as I startlingly watch it.
I scribbled few words
in memory of those who lost their lives
at Twin Towers when both collapsed.
It brings me back memories
when I went up the 101st floor
to observe the magnificent view
of Manhattan and the island.
It's like I was in heaven
at that very moment.
I did not want to believe
that the Twin Towers are gone.
I wanted to believe, it's just a dream
and that when I wake up it's there
standing majestically.
I wanted to continue
to believe that World Trade Center
will be back soon by rebuilding again.
But it will never be the same.

Thursday 10 September 2015

Meditation for the Soul

Meditation for the Soul

I do my routine meditation
To keep my spirit in good condition.
I make myself available to beautiful things,
Listening to unpleasant sound is not my option,
But the pleasing sound of wind whispering,
in whipping willow trees.
Listening to it is most exhilarating.
The chirping Blue Jays lurking on hummingbird feeder.
So beautiful to watch them perch on flowers and branches.
They keep coming back for more for the nectar.
When my meditation is over
I will pour more sweet liquid in feeder.
This time, it's going to be the hummingbirds' turn.
I'm sure, I came to a fair conclusion,
Which is good for my soul inclusion.

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Mama's Kitchen

Mama's Kitchen

She had everything you would ever want
at Mama's kitchen.
She was perfect in everything.
Knives, chopping board, pots and pans
are all in one neat place.
Spic-and-span is what we described
Mama's little kitchen.
Floor polished with non-slipped wax.
You could almost eat on the floor
She cooked very nutritious meals for her family.
Her kitchen was her pride and joy
because that's where she loved to be
most of her time doing work for her family.
She loved her kitchen like the way she loved her family.
Mama is now gone, but her kitchen
remains neat and clean.
Thank heavens, my sisters keep it
the way Mama wanted it to be.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

The Smell of Freshly Cut Grass

The Smell of Freshly Cut Grass

The smell of the freshly cut grass
in spring is like a scent from heaven.
It lifted up my soul,
It boost my morale.
To think of new growth and new life
coming out in spring.
The birds, bees, butterflies and flowers
The trees with leaves of red and green
Are all God's gifts from heaven.
Enjoy we must these natures beauty.
Grateful we are to Him for the opportunity
To use our faculties, to smell, see and hear
All God's natures wonder.
The freshly cut grass I smell,
A sign of spring,
A sign of new life.

Saturday 5 September 2015




We are in a state of quandary
In an enormous situation we are facing everyday
The countries in chaos are affecting the world today.
The ambush and killings that happened day by day.
The continued attack on soldiers
Also the so-called peacekeepers,
Are devastating to diplomats and world leaders elsewhere.
For our sake, we need peace to live our lives
Otherwise, we won't survive,
In this chaotic world that strives.
For security reasons all nationalities
are being thoroughly sifted up
For fear of another attack.

Friday 4 September 2015

Shame On You

Shame On You

You are as changeable as I am
But that doesn't make us compatible in mind
Nobody really wins the game,
If you and I continue to fend.
I admit, I am sometimes like you, pal
I don't want to take it that way
But it seems to me it's kind of mutual
Seemingly,life with you is impossible to foresee.
We have some in common, I should say
But it's not the kind of thing we should share
Through the years you've been so pushy.
One way or another, I will challenge you, dear
You were taunting me to change the things I do around
I certainly do not agree with the way you sound
I don't have to take it from you.
No matter what. Shame on you!.

Thursday 3 September 2015

Shadow of the Past

Shadow of the Past

 Wherever you go wherever you are.
Whether you like it or not
it's always there for you
like a private sentinel
guiding and protecting you.
You'll never walk alone
cause your shadow follows you.
The shadow of your past remains furled.
Let it unfurl your life with open-mind.
Life is sweeter when you let go of the sour grapes
Let bygones be bygones.
Don't let it haunt you forever.
With the absence of the odious past
Your happiness in life will be uncovered.
As you sail and navigate the vessel of life.

Tuesday 1 September 2015


At potluck party, I brought veggies of my choice
I fixed green lettuce and slices of tomatoes
Tossed with vinaigrette salad dressing
Everyone chipped in for anything they can bring
It was such a nice gathering
Every body was friendly and jolly
And have outgoing personality
Not a bit of crabbiness in the party
Food was abundant and delicious for the soul
Dessert was served with finesse
It was served in an English dish
It was very delicious, and has lemony taste
Whoever made it, I was impressed
I helped myself for more serving
Do you mind?
Little did I know I had three servings
I really enjoy potluck party
It's my way of congregating
With people of different walks of life.