Saturday 26 March 2016

Spirit of Gift-Giving

Spirit of Gift-Giving

Gift giving during holiday seasons
gives you joy and satisfactions.
It's the spirit of Christmas.
I would, sometimes, exchange gifts with friends
I just go to the dollar store
and purchase the practical things to wrap.
Standing in-front of the shelf
I contemplate on buying a set of tumblers or figurines
Should I give one of my friends a set of figurines?
This would only cost me six dollars plus tax
I doubt it if they care for this kind of craft.
Went to Kacy's to brouse around
So far, but yet to be decided, a hand-embroidered linen is my
But the price too high, but I don't mind.
You see, this gives me satisfactions in life, after all
It's the spirit of gift-giving.