Thursday 23 March 2017

Farewell, Mr. President

Farewell , Mr. President 

Your departure was very sad.
Very sad to countless people who respected and, loved you.
People of all walks of life,
who chose you to be the fortieth Commander-in-Chief.
You made America a safer place to live,
You beat the Cold War
without a single bullet fired,
By means of your great communication and good vibes.
Your generous smile will never be forgotten.
Your memories will be preserved in
our minds and hearts forever. Mr. President, you are
something... You captured the hearts of your many
fellow country men. 'Cause you had so much charm and
kindness at heart. Your good sense of humor was
one of your great assets. In so many ways,
your smiles were without guile.
Glitz was not in your identity,
But you acted naturally, with decency.
Farewell, Mr. President, and Rest In Peace