Tuesday 20 March 2018



The peacekeepers in Iraq
Who are they? They are the soldiers of the new era.
They're not soldiers of fortune.
They're not mercenaries in demand.
Maintaining peace and order are their mission,
For the love of mankind.
Probably, they'll be there for a much longer time.
Problems still exist in this country.
A country that is in turmoil.
Everyday, peacekeepers are dying wastefully
They lost their lives for nothing.
For me, it's mind-bugling.
Suicide bombers are killing their own
People who side with the coalition.
Soldiers are being taunted to fight,
To fight for our country against terrorism.
But web of lies continue to brainwash them.



I'm obsessed with my emotional feelings
A compulsion to do unnecessary things
Which is unimportant in our day to day living
But these are not overpowering my daily life
It gives me pleasure to do it right
I want everything to be immaculate
I don't believe in what people say
Leave some particles of dust
Because we come from dust
Leave the dry leaves where they are
It's good for the grass
No matter what they say
I have this compulsion
And I'd say, it's human nature
And that's my obsession.