Monday 29 May 2017

The Little Boy at the Pew

The Little Boy at the Pew

It was Sunday afternoon at church.
The 5:30 service is about to start
I scrambled for a seat near the altar
I spotted a space next to a boy in denim pants and white shirt,
The boy about six years old is my good guess.
His Mom and brothers seated next to the isle.
I asked him, "May I sit here"?
He retorted, "Yes", with a cherub smile.
In just one word, but very impressive.
We were singing the Lord's Prayer,
I glanced at him, his lips moving
His little hand and mine joined together,
I thanked him for reaching out for mine.
The little boy retorted, "You're welcome".
At the communion, he sipped a little wine
With the bread of life he dined.
This unusual experience, I'll never forget
About the Little Boy at the Pew.