Wednesday 27 August 2014

Child of the Universe

Child of the Universe

Lovely as you can be
Child of the Universe
You serve as role model, seemly.
The burden of responsibility
Is in your shoulder
However, you have the tenacity to bear.
When life goes upside down
You bounce back on your feet
You seem to bend with the whirlwind.
You have no sign of dwindling
You are most enlightening
You are a natural born impresario.
With all your smile and gusto
Alacritous is the right word to describe you.



The birds are calling me
And I call them back.
I know why they're calling me,
They're hungry, I can see.
Food are scarce and hard to find.
In this kind of weather and year's time.
I scatter the seeds on the ground
And pour some in the feeder hanging on a tree branch.
I call them by mimicking whistling bird sound.
They come down and fly abound.
They come in flocks and flock around
Like their mother, I feed their empty tiny pouches.
Oh, how wonderful to be with God's creatures.
They call me by chirping from trees.
They land over my opened palms with seeds I lured .
And away they flew, and up the sky they soared.
Hope they'll come back soon and make my days
I know they'll call me one of these days.

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Weather Watch

Weather Watch

Roads slick
Heavy downpours subsiding
Dark clouds
Weatherman forecasts
gusty wind with
light shower
patchy fogs
in the next
couple of days.
Weekends will be
nice and sunny,
High's in the 60's.
Lows in the 40's

You Are My Miracle

You Are My Miracle

How did I ever find you
How did I ever fall for you
How did our paths cross each other
Do you know the most wonderful things you have done to my life?
Ever since we met, my life has been so full of joy and happiness
You give me hope and faith
When there are times I feel hopeless
And faith diminishes
You give me something to dream about
At night before I go to sleep
I gaze at your photo and wish you were here beside me
And I would say "good night and sweet dreams my love"
And I would see you in my dreams touching my hair
And watching me sleep with smile on my face
I make myself believe it's not a dream
If it's a dream I don't want to wake up
I'll just keep on dreaming about you my love
For you are my miracle
Who descends from heaven above.



The mayas singing joyously
Chirping from tree to tree
Oh, what a lovely day they bring
While dipping their tiny heads in water
They flutter their wings
Tiny feathers blown by the wind like smithereens
They're one of most precious creatures on earth to watch.
I never took my eyes away from them
Till they soar way way up high.
I was wondering, will they ever come back?
Next morning... alas and behold,
Like cherubs from heaven
I hear their tiny chirps
I look out the window, and there they are
Dipping their heads in birdbath
Flapping their wings, talking and singing
Happy to be back again.
With so much jubilation and excitement,
I sing and whistle with them.