Saturday 27 February 2016

My Grandma

My Grandma

I was my Grandma's favorite.
As a little girl I lived with my
Grandma at her nice and cozy home.
Grandpa died long before I came into this world.
Grandma loved to bake pies & cookies.
I'd curl up in her lap while she sat
in her rocking chair, and ate the fresh
slice of pie that she baked.
Grandma would sing to me in a low tone broken voice,
until I went to sleep with crumbs around my mouth.
And she would gently brush it off to avoid waking me up.
Grandma was very special to me.
I'd pick up flowers for her
around the neighborhood for her birthday.
Her face glowed with happiness
when she saw the bouquet I brought for her.
To me, Grandma was one of a kind.

Friday 26 February 2016

The Kite That Got Away

The Kite That Got Away

A bird shaped paper kite
blown by the summer wind
flying freely above the blue clear sky.
Going up up and away
like a balloon floating in the air.
The rope still hanging from it.
The little boy just let go
when the kite tried to drag him up.
The little boy watched his kite disappear from the sky.
Feeling of sadness painted on his face,
like losing someone he dearly loved.
I cheered him up.
Like human being,
when life has no goal,
when the world is somewhat ignoring them
they wander around aimlessly like the kite that got away
and squander their sense of value and dignity,
without even giving a second thought.

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Stranger As You

Stranger As You

Sandhya my dear, a stranger you are to me.
I don't know who you are now, I'm sorry.
But we are two different people.
You don't seem to realize how fool
you are when you bragged,
how great our love was when you I bugged!
A fool you made of yourself.
You are nothing but filth.
I used to feel very good about us,
But your actions and demeaning
leave me nothing but disgusting.
Promise never to par-take in your life,
Life you have made a strife.
Stranger as you, have no place in my heart.
Let alone you down me from the start.
So follow the path where you want to be,
Until the day you reach your destiny.

Monday 22 February 2016

The Letters

The Letters

The letters you wrote
so full of love and desire.
The message you in-scripted in linen
paper so immaculate
like white clouds up above.
With my name and your name inscribed.
The letters you wrote
straight from your heart
to my heart like cupid's arrow
that pierce into my heart.
The letters you wrote
is the wisdom of truth
that precious memories
will linger forever.

Saturday 20 February 2016

The Passion of Jesus Christ the Messiah

The Passion of Jesus Christ the Messiah

He trekked along the sharp stony path,
With the weight of the heavy cross
Resting on His holy shoulder.
He dragged the cross to Mount Golgotha,
Where He would be stoned and crucified,
With the two thieves side by side.
He died for the sins of humanity.
The sins we did not reconcile and rectify.
But, as always, our Shepherd has forgiven His flock,
We, the sheep's, He so cared and loved.

The Tree

The Tree

As I walked by a tree along the beach
Attracted I maybe
But I noticed it was an unusual tree
It has big purplish leaves, huge trunk and branches
As I look closer and closer to the trunk
I noticed some writings like a love letter to a sweetheart
with carvings of two hearts,
joined together with an arrow.
Below was the year it was carved
It was year nineteen hundred thirty two
And now it's two thousand and two.
How amazing this tree still standing and strong as ever
It maybe one of the wonders through the concept of nature.
Whoever was the carver,
He may have gone to another world
To join with our Lord.

Thursday 18 February 2016

To a Wonderful Dear Brother

To a Wonderful Dear Brother

In Loving Memory of my late brother Rakesh Bhadana
Ever since you departed to another world
everything has changed.
No one else could ever take your place,
as wonderful as you are.
We always relied on you
whenever we needed help and feedback's.
You are deeply missed by countless
friends, families and relatives
who dearly loved and cherished you.
You loved life with passion.
We'll never forget your smiling face.
We loved you and missed you very much.
When you gave there were no strings attached.
Your generosity and kindness will never be forgotten.
Wherever you are,
We know you're in the hands of our Lord Almighty.
Dear Brother, God loves you.
We will never forget you,
Until our last breathe of life.

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Unrecyled Love

Unrecyled Love

She met him at a friend's party
Knowing she was with him her lover
Aggressively, she flirts with him
The smile in her face is inconsistent
She is either with her lover or with him
Her lover grabs her away from the distraction
With her face turning reddish pink
She throws a rose at him
He catches the rose and kisses it
blowing toward her face,
Like a butterfly perching on her nose
She blew the kiss back
She blushed again, that night
She is going to tell him,
Let's call it quits.