Thursday 18 February 2016

To a Wonderful Dear Brother

To a Wonderful Dear Brother

In Loving Memory of my late brother Rakesh Bhadana
Ever since you departed to another world
everything has changed.
No one else could ever take your place,
as wonderful as you are.
We always relied on you
whenever we needed help and feedback's.
You are deeply missed by countless
friends, families and relatives
who dearly loved and cherished you.
You loved life with passion.
We'll never forget your smiling face.
We loved you and missed you very much.
When you gave there were no strings attached.
Your generosity and kindness will never be forgotten.
Wherever you are,
We know you're in the hands of our Lord Almighty.
Dear Brother, God loves you.
We will never forget you,
Until our last breathe of life.

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