Tuesday 30 May 2017

Relentless Love

Relentless Love

I feel your touch
the softness of your hands
that touch my skin.
Once again you proclaim
your love, your everlasting love.
I hear your soft voice
calling my name saying,
how you loved me from the start
that your love comes
from your inner soul.
You've told me you worship me
even my shadow and footsteps.
Your undaunted love continues to grow
Even in the midst of trials and tribulations.
I love you deeply,
From head to toe.

Starbucks House

Starbucks House

The delicious aroma of Starbucks Coffee House
Along the road close to where I work
Is a temptation to my insatiable cravings
Every morning, when I walk by
I couldn't resist my urge
I come in every once in a while
Just to sip a cup of this delicious hot liquid
Oh, I would like it black
No saturation of any kind
I'd take my friends sometimes to this great house.
I treat them with eager smile and proudly say,
"Be my guests today."
Starbucks, how you captured my taste bud
And your taste, so distinct and exquisite.

Monday 29 May 2017

The Little Boy at the Pew

The Little Boy at the Pew

It was Sunday afternoon at church.
The 5:30 service is about to start
I scrambled for a seat near the altar
I spotted a space next to a boy in denim pants and white shirt,
The boy about six years old is my good guess.
His Mom and brothers seated next to the isle.
I asked him, "May I sit here"?
He retorted, "Yes", with a cherub smile.
In just one word, but very impressive.
We were singing the Lord's Prayer,
I glanced at him, his lips moving
His little hand and mine joined together,
I thanked him for reaching out for mine.
The little boy retorted, "You're welcome".
At the communion, he sipped a little wine
With the bread of life he dined.
This unusual experience, I'll never forget
About the Little Boy at the Pew.

Thursday 25 May 2017

To Be a Painter

To Be a Painter

Michelangelo painted the famous 'Creation' in Sistine Chapel.
Leonardo da Vinci painted Mona Lisa and her famous smile.
Inspirations are what they are
to so many artists who strived for living
Art is art but you can turn art
into money but you can't turn money into art.
Love for art is not love for money.
To be a painter is a gift from God.
That no one could ever steal it from you.
It is specially endowed to you.
To be a painter is a special talent
that God wants you to enjoy
the beauty of the palettes
and the wonder of the brushes.



As Shakespeare says, "murder will out."
That's true, sooner or later
the truth will eventually come out,
If you try to hide the truth,
You can't really hide it.
It's there waiting to come out,
It's like smoke from a fire
You can't hide the smoke,
It will come out through the crevices,
No matter how hard you try to cover up.
If you are untruthful to others,
You are also untruthful to yourself.
To be honest with you,
It's always good to be truthful,
And you would be spared from trouble.

Wednesday 24 May 2017

Heat Wave

Heat Wave

Mid July, the peak of summer,
The heat so unbearable to endure,
Your skin so sticky and pungent.
In the middle of the day you wonder
If your brain is still activating,
How resilient your brain could be,
In this wave of heat that's never ending.
The heat melts almost everything in the jalopy.
The air conditioner is not working!
The chocolate in your purse...
Wow, it's melting!
Never carry chocolates when heat wave is predicted.
Oh no, your lipstick turns liquid,
It looks like bloody mary mix!
For fairness sake!
Are we battling mother nature,
Or the homosapiens' intelligence?