Friday 30 June 2017

Sunday Matinee

Sunday Matinee

My friend and I went to see a movie
But the long double line discouraged me
I wasn't enthused about seeing the movie
'cause I and my friend have a bad day
Although this movie is excellent
Today also, is matinee and a day of bargains
He bought a bag of popcorns and two pepsi
to munch while watching the movie.
At the end of the show
we quickly head to exit door
to beat the crowd on our favor
Inside the car we kissed and made up
Thanks for the opportunity,
You blessed Sunday matinee.

Tuesday 27 June 2017

The House Up On The Hill

The House Up On The Hill

The house up on the hill
Old but very tranquil
Grandma used to tell us,
She played with one of the Castilian girls living up there
""But it was like yesterday"", grandma said.
She was going to a private school,
And grandma went to a public school.
The house was built over a century
Closed to my grandma's age at ninety eight.
My grandma was well-liked by the Castilians,
as a little girl.
I'm not surprise grandma spoke Castilian.
She was liked one of their own.
They were very pleasant and well-met people.
Grandma was always invited to picnics and children's parties.
Grandma's life as a child was filled with great memories,
I'm glad grandma had that childhood experience.
With the family living in the house up on the hill.

Friday 23 June 2017

Friends are More Precious than Diamonds

Friends are More Precious than

Friends are more precious than diamonds.
Life without friends can't seldom go on.
Diamonds are meant for security.
Diamond, a woman's best friend, they say,
But it's a different kind of friend you bid.
Diamonds can't help you in your spiritual need.
Diamonds can't help you in time of grief and sorrow;
You can't talk to it, when you needed to;
There's no shoulder to cry on,
Just to look on the sparkling precious stone.
You'd think diamond is forever your friend;
You'd think your sorrow and sadness will mend;
But friends bring happiness to your life;
Friends are important in our daily plight;
We can live without that precious stone,
But we can't live without friends to condone.

Thursday 22 June 2017

I Know

I Know

I know our trials in life are far from over
God knows when it's going to end
I am all confused and befuddled
Don't know what to think
I need someone from above to guide me through
I know He won't let me down
I know He's watching over me
I know I am His instrument
I know this is my trying time
I just have to bear with Him
And I know there's a better life waiting for me
at the end of the rainbow
And everything will be fine
And I know everything will soon be back to normalcy.

Wednesday 21 June 2017

Grandpa's Chair

Grandpa's Chair

Grandpa's favourite rocking chair
Made of Chinese raw bamboo material.
My good old uncle made it so special
He painted it with yellow-green
Just like the fresh bamboo grove in our backyard fence.
Grandpa was overwhelmed with joy.
On it, he carved his name
Giving us a hint
That no one could sit on it, but him.
Grandpa used his chair as often as he could
He sometimes fell asleep
With me sitting on his lap
While he slowly rocked.
Now that Grandpa is gone
His rocking chair rock no more
As no one dares to explore.
But one night, the chair was rocking to and fro.
What made it rock? That I don't know.
Maybe it's the wind that did it.
Well, maybe Grandpa is paying us a visit.

Saturday 17 June 2017

Rain Storm

Rain Storm

I watch the rain trickling down the gutter
Creating a little creek on the side of alley,
and gently flowing into our doorway.
Thunder and lightning rumble
into the open air like a canon ball
shooting into the dark and starless sky
Illuminated only by lightning flashes.
It was so scary to watch the nature's wrath
I had to cower under bed and cover my head
with blanket and pillows
Outside the wind still howling like a moaning ghost
The rain storm subsided.
Aware as I could be,
I'm still alive, but petrified.

Wednesday 14 June 2017

The Moon I Saw Over The Pacific

The Moon I Saw Over The Pacific

I guess it's the same moon I saw over the pacific
Because wherever I go, it follows me like a trick
Mother used to say, "look, the moon is following you"
This bright yellow round light was over at the pacific,
where I was in the veranda lounging and drinking hot cocoa.
I even compared it to a round cheese cake, my favorite sweets
That's how I used to think when I was a little girl of eight.
We even had a game of hide and seek when it's full and bright.
When I hide, it disappears in dark clouds.
When I came out, its incredible moonbeams cascaded above my
Hush, a strange feeling enveloped my whole being.
Western world is where I am now.
When the moon is full, I look up the sky, stare at the phenomena
I mumble few words, thinking back of my childhood in the tropics,
The fun we had, the game we played hide and seek,
And it's the same moon I saw over the pacific.

Saturday 10 June 2017

The Lighthouse

The Lighthouse

Standing by the sea
For many decades I should say
Waiting for an emergency
When stormy weather strikes
And we get stranded in sight
We await for your flashing light
To guide us through our plight
As we maneuver the tumultuous weather
Without your guiding flasher
Lives would be in peril.

Monday 5 June 2017

Weather Watch

Weather Watch

Roads slick
Heavy downpours subsiding
Dark clouds
Weatherman forecasts
gusty wind with
light shower
patchy fogs
in the next
couple of days.
Weekends will be
nice and sunny,
High's in the 60's.
Lows in the 40's

Saturday 3 June 2017

The Shining Star

The Shining Star

You shine so brightly like a star on a balmy
The night was young, and we were so in love
You held my chin up to kiss my lips
You and I made a bow we'll never part.
Our love is blossoming into a wonderful beginning
Like a rebirth of new day and new life.
My shining star, you are such a joy to me.
My shining star, you are the light of my plight.
My shining star, you are everything I could imagine
From the beginning to the end.

Friday 2 June 2017

The Nightingale

The Nightingale

A happy nightingale singing with glee.
Fluttering from tree to tree.
It's singing a lovely melody.
To hear it sing and chirp is a theraphy,
After day's hardwork under the summer sun
I look out the window, with the moon shining through,
The nightingale away it flew.
Whistle three notes, I tried to
I mimick its sound, hoping it would come around.
But my whistling was out of tune.
I felt sad to see it go.
Maybe some night, it may come back,
Hopefully tomorrow to be true.

Thursday 1 June 2017



Unpredictable you maybe to foresee,
About your capability and sanity.
I read no mind, but I am not blind.
In my eyes, I see you're more inclined,
To disrupt peace and stability,
At the height of your instablity.
Your forfeiture of life's tenure,
For breach of contract you ignore.
It's justifiable of what has been done,
For an unpredictable being human.
To surmise a bliss,
But say no more aching flesh.
Unpredictable is one thing
But predictably, you're overbearing.